My build, just for comparison:
Sword Mastery: 11 (+1)
Tactics: 15 (+4)
Strength: 12 (+1)
Bonetti's Defense
Gladiator's Defense
Shield Stance
Dolyak Signet
Deadly Riposte
Healing Signet
Desperation blow
Between Glads, shield and bonettis, constant 75% miss.
Keep the signet on constantly.
Desperation blow with doylaks.
Constantly use the ripostes.
Also works for tundra giants, trolls, minotaurs, stone summit warrior dudes (hurders as well), melee in general. Its also good for general tanking. Still trying to figure out a decent build to take out hydras with...
Dont know why no-one else uses shield stance though, its nearly my favourite, apart from glads.